Please contact us for more information.

Przemysłowa 15
18-220 Czyżew
NIP 586-236-25-54
Regon 387682086

Dealer Germany:
Amazing Camping Trailers

Dealer Netherlands:
Amazing Camping Trailers

Sales representative United Kingdom:
Monika Bankowska
mobile: +48 692 400 846
ul. Świętojańska 45/17
81-391 Gdynia

Modern travelling according to AZIMOO
Are you looking for ways to realize your dreams about an unforgettable trip around the world? Are you tempted by an idea of vacation away from the crowds, where you could enjoy the blissful silence, peace and independence? Perhaps you are dreaming of exploring exotic places that have seemed out of reach so far? As Azimoo creators, we know what steps must be taken to be able to follow your travelling passion. We want to offer you the opportunity to travel on your own terms – without undue constraints and compromises.